Thursday, February 9, 2017

Some research questions

Research questions
-  Who are Pijo and Penda?

-  Who is Baba Marta?

-  Why did the opera Semele get written?  What history surrounds these operas and ballets that contain pagan themes?

-  Are Papageno and Papagena (in the Magic Flute) similar to Pijo and Penda?

-  What about Harlequin and Columbine, can we connect them to Pijo and Penda?

-  Looking for the origins of the days of the week in Turkish...  Could Cumartesi mean "harvest day"?  Is there a connection between the Latvian symbol, "Juma" and the Turkish word for Wednesday?  This seems far-out, maybe I'm totally wrong on this one.

-  Curious about Latvian traditional symbols...  why is the snake symbol so common?

-  Curious about pagans:  in the past, would nomadic people have had different religious beliefs than agricultural/settled people?

- Map questions - I need to map all the countries where the Auskelis sun symbol is found in traditional art...  Does this really stretch from Norway to Palestine?  Any further eastward into Persia, and the Stans?

-  Does the cross stitch from the Netherlands carry ancient pagan symbols?  Why am I finding pagans everywhere?  Certainly I'm an amateur, and I could be more careful in my research.  Maybe I'm just finding a lot of different ways people tried to protect themselves in the ages before modern medicine?
I'm not sure why I'm fascinated with old ideas about banishing misfortune.  As soon as I learned the word, "apotropaic" I went off on the quest to find out all about it.

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