Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Cucuphas is Harlequin

I write about history of pagans, mostly I'm just curious.  I think that I just found another one!  Hooray, another Saint who may have been a pre-Christian god.


Saint Cucuphas is patron of hunchbacks and of petty theft.  He sure sounds like Harlequin to me.  I wish that I could turn to an expert and ask about this.  Right now, I don't have anyone that I can turn to.  Please leave a comment if you know something about this.

The Wikipedia page about Saint Cucphas has locations all over Europe that were associated with him, mainly in France and Spain.  There is a forest with a small lake called, 'Bois de Saint Cucafa' which I think would be interesting to visit, it's located near Rueil-Malmaison, France.  I will have to look it up.  (It's 8 miles west of the center of Paris.  Wish I could travel!!!)

Here's the exciting thing:  this could explain stuff...  If Cucuphas is Harlequin, it could actually explain two things.  1) Maybe those medieval pilgrims badges with sexual images were for pilgrims to the shrines of St. Cucuphas... pagans were all about fertility.  And, 2). Remember that story about how Rasputin could not be killed?  What if the Rasputin story was some kind of revival of an old pagan tale?  Because the story of the death of Saint Cucuphas is similar to the story of the death of Rasputin.

Is it just a coincidence that this Saint has a name similar to the name of the dragon, Cucafera ?  Or maybe Cucafera represents the spirits of the ancestors or the dead, and likewise Harlequin is king of the underworld?  I can't be certain of this, I need other people's opinions.

I'm collecting medieval names that sound weird to me.  I found Saint Cucuphas when I was looking up the name Mihiel.  Here's the list of odd names that I found today:

Pepin the Short (also spelled Pippin the Short)
Cucuphas, of these, any one would do for an elegant name for a cat or dog, why not?

Then there are also weird place names:  Lièpvre, Guinelat, Conat, Coplian, Rueil-Malmaison - these are just the French ones.  I did not collect the Spanish place names associated with Saint Cucuphas, it's all too much for me right now.  There's more research needs to be done, and I'm happy about that.

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