Shag Sweater Wanted.
I must make/buy a long fringe wooly vest at once. I added some 20 more photos to my board, "Shepard's Cloak."
It started years ago in an antique store located in GaziAntep, Turkey. At the time (almost 20 years ago) I was on my first visit to the Wild East. I thought it the most far out, exotic place ever. There was this marvelous kepenek: a wearable tent-like cloak made of heavy wool felt. Turkish shepards could brave the weather for weeks in such a cloak.
My own version should be light weight, fun, and fashionable. I am not trying to look like Chewebacca nor like an Ewok from Star Wars. I want some soft wooly fringe about my shoulders, essentially a fake fur made of real wool, real silk, real alpaca, etc. Absolutely no lambs were hurt in the making of this film...